Latest News from the Association
The British Battalion
Posted on 12th Dec 2011 by Royal Leicestershire Regiment
I have been reminded that it is the 70 th anniversary of the formation of the ‘British Battalion’ the amalgamation of the Leicestershire Regiment and the East Surry Regiment in Malaya in 1941. See page 3 in the 1948 edition of the...
The Regimental Website
Posted on 7th Dec 2011 by Royal Leicestershire Regiment
The databases can only be as good as the information put into them. It is well understood that the details about former soldiers (Have You a Tiger in Your Family?) and about the medal collection are very thin and incomplete -...
Leicester Mercury - Bid to restore historic route
Posted on 6th Dec 2011 by Royal Leicestershire Regiment
Plans are being drawn for a new processional route to be incorporated into Leicester's Remembrance celebrations. Officials are looking to create a tree-lined avenue from the ornate iron gates at the entrance to Victoria Park on London Road to...
Book; War in the Wilderness - The Chindits
Posted on 4th Dec 2011 by Royal Leicestershire Regiment
"War in the Wilderness - the Chindits in Burma 1943-44". Among many other units and people, it mentions in numerous places the Leicesters' 2nd and 7th Battalions and their Columns, and many of their men by name. It can be...
ARTOISUD 14 - 15
Posted on 2nd Nov 2011 by Mel Gould
BERLES AU BOIS AND THE LEICESTERSHIRE REGIMENT The Association ArtoiSud 14-15 was formed in November 2005 by friends living in and around Berles-au-Bois, situated near to Arras, who were anxious to preserve the history of events which...