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Squirrell, Wilfrid Ernest - TD

Rank : Captain

Army Number : 35470

Unit : 4th Bn

Biography :

Educated at Uppingham School, Wilfrid Squirrell made 8 appearances in Leicester Football Club's 1st XV between 1925 and 1929. He was commissioned 2nd Lieutenant in The Leicestershire Regiment on 23.6.1926, and served in 4th Bn. Promoted Lieutenant. 23.6.1929 and Captain 29.5.1936. On 10.12.1936 with all in 4th Bn he transferred to 44th (The Leicestershire Regt.) Anti-Aircraft Bn RE (TA). Awarded the T.D. (L.G. 18.6.1943). He died in 1984, aged 78 years.

Date of Birth : 6.9.1906

Place of Birth : Leicester

Date of Death : Oct 1984

Place of Death : Leicester

Period of Service : 1926-39+

Conflicts : WW2

Places Served : UK

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