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Smitten, Percy
Rank : Company Sergeant Major (WO2)
Army Number : 7769
Unit : 1st Bn, 2nd Bn
Biography :
Percy Smitten was serving with 'E' Company 1st Bn in 1909-1910. Played Ruby and Football for the Regimental Teams. He made 16 appearances for Leicester FC's 1st XV between 1911 and 1921, and scored 2 tries. Later served with 2nd Bn during World War One, entering France on 10.10.1914. Became Acting Paid Lance Sergeant on 3.6.1915. Promoted from Corporal to Lance Sergeant on 20.6.1915, and. from Lance Sergeant to Sergeant August later that year. Gassed in operations 25.9.1915. Later became C.S.M. At some later point he served in Athlone and was wounded while in Ireland. Re-enlisted 9.1.1919 with number 4850118. Discharged 5.4.1928 as Warrant Class II ( C.S.M.). Conduct noted as exemplary. Re-enlisted in Territorial Army on 2.1.1932, and discharged on 4.5.1932. Died in 1972, aged 82 years.
Date of Birth : July 1889
Place of Birth : Leicester
Date of Death : 24.6.1972
Place of Death : Leicester
Period of Service : 1909-18; 1919-28; 1932
Conflicts : WW1
Places Served : United Kingdom, India, Ireland
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